Auto enrolment is a government initiative, launched in 2012. The objective is to make sure that all those employees around the UK who fall under set criteria, are enrolled onto a workplace pension. Over the next 12-18 months, those small businesses who have not already joined an auto enrolment pension scheme, will need to do so. 46% of businesses with five or fewer employees say they’ll turn to their accountant for help.

What does this mean for you?


As an accountant you may be faced with:

  • Multiple payroll schemes to manage
  • More time spend on administration
  • Added cost of buying a solution

Why True Potential Auto Enrolment?

Here at True Potential we offer an auto enrolment solution that means that you are no longer faced with the challenges mentioned above. What we offer means that there is no cost to you or your client and your admin duties are a thing of the past:

  • Free for accountants
  • Free for employers
  • 8am-8pm Mon-Fri support for accountants, employers & employees.
  • Free weekly training webinars
  • Easy to run – we are integrated with many different payroll providers cutting down admin time.
  • One master login allows you to manage multiple schemes in one place
  • Makes it easy to grow your business with ready-made sales support and client communications

The Pension’s Regulator has informed businesses that they need to start planning for auto enrolment 12 months before their staging date. This means that the time to reform your business proposition is now.

For more information on our auto enrolment solution for accountants, join one of our free webinars. You will also be given the opportunity to ask any question that you may have. Alternatively, call our support team on 0800 046 8007 who will more than happy to answer any of your questions.

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